MY TEACHING MOBILITY IN BANJA LUKA: Lidija Stanković Faculty of Music
Lidija Stanković
University of Arts in Belgrade, Faculty of Music
Erasmus+ Mobility for Teaching at:
University of Sarajevo, Bosnia in Herzegovina
In December 2021 I successfully actualised mobility at the Music Academy University of Sarajevo. This mobility, carefully panned with my dear colleagues from the Piano Department, contributed to making closer connections between our two institutions, students and teaching staff. No language barrier made this mobility more effective and fruitful.
My masterclass included 28 classes, one-to-one and group work with piano students of all levels of studies. Students were very communicative, positive and open to suggestions. They showed great enthusiasm, asked many questions and were eager to adopt new ideas. Students, under the exquisite care of their professors, were very skilled, talented, with excellent technical preparation and a high level of music interpretation.
Given that the syllabus of our two institutions are quite similar and with no language barriers, we had constructive topics to discuss regarding continuing, deepening and enhancing cooperation between the Piano departments of the Faculty of Music University of Arts in Belgrade and the Music Academy University of Sarajevo.
Students from my Belgrade class attended this masterclass. Teamwork, collegiality and mutual satisfaction that students from both institutions expressed was truly touching and inspiring for me personally, as a professor and pedagogue. Moreover, my Belgrade students Anđela Dinić and Mladen Maksović had the wonderful opportunity to present themselves at a concert held on December 12th at Academy’s Great Hall.
Additionally, this mobility and masterclass were very greatly disseminated within local media. During my stay at the Music Academy, I had the pleasure to give an interview for Federalna TV, public mainstream TV channel.
I strongly believe that this mobility is one of the first steps in a future fruitful collaboration between Serbian and Bosnian Music Academies and Universities. Well-known Bosnian hospitality, their delicious traditional cuisine and beautiful landmarks made my visit even more effective and positive. I am looking forward to welcoming my dear Bosnian colleague, piano professor Azra Medić, whose mobility is planned for spring semester.