Cooperation partnerships in higher education

Digital Art Courses in Higher Education Institutions






– Develop and make available Educational and Knowledge Resources on integrating digital art elements into the teaching practices of Art Schools.
– Provide training opportunities for arts academics in innovative digital art elements and trans-disciplinary approaches to expand their capacity with curricula design, delivery and assessment at the intersection of arts & technology.
– Provide opportunities for arts students to develop digital skills and competences
– Promote the lifelong learning dimension of art schools by facilitating the uptake of digital art short-duration learning courses leading to micro-credentials.


With regards to project results and in particular for developing Project Result 1: Training Module for art educators on Digital Arts, the following activities will be undertaken: needs assessment, establishing learning objectives, structure definition, training, materials and evaluation.
For developing Project Result 2: Pedagogical Framework (Curriculum) on Digital Arts for one core and one elective digital art course, the following activities will be undertaken: planning, research, content & methods and materials & tools.
For developing Project Result 3: Curriculum for a short-duration learning course on the basics of digital art leading to micro-credentials, the following activities will be undertaken: research & planning; course design & micro credentials and peer review & evaluation.
Also, other project activities will relate to project management in terms of progress and quality monitoring, project meetings, multiplier events, as well as, activities designed to serve dissemination, communication and exploitation purposes.

Expected results 

Training Module for art educators on Digital Arts
A Training Module addressed to teachers to provide them with knowledge, skills and approaches on digital art. The goal of the training is for the teachers to develop competences and understanding on how to integrate digital elements in their traditional analogue art curricula.
Pedagogical Framework (Curriculum) on Digital Arts for one core and one elective digital art course
A Pedagogical Framework (Curriculum) including pedagogical tools, methods and resource materials for teachers for the incorporation of digital art courses in higher school education art programmes. The framework will be designed so as to support teachers in the delivery of high-quality learning and teaching based on best practice research and relate it to the most effective way that students learn.

Project results


The University of Humanities and Economics in Lodz (coordinator)
The Art Academy of Latvia
Center for Technology, Research & Innovation CETRI
Artit Athens Ltd.
The University of Arts in Belgrade (UAB)
The Technical University of Kosice